Crossword Solver / Answers / MACARTHUR

Crossword Clues for MACARTHUR

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Clue Source Date
General played by Henry Fonda Eugene Sheffer 18 Sep 2023
General damage filing account a day later
Son of Scottish king, 19
One of 20-30 'genius grants' awarded annually New York Times 09 Jul 2016
One of 20-30 "genius grants" awarded annually
General played by Fonda (in 1976), Peck (1977) and Olivier (1982)
"Duty, Honor, Country" speaker, 1962
___ Foundation (leading philanthropic organization)
Keynoter of 1952 Convention.
One of the keynoters.
Gen. Ridgway's immediate superior.
Subject of John Gunther's latest book.
Prominent resident of the Waldorf.
Commander of Rainbow Division, World War I.
He flies the U. N. flag.
Colorful general.
"The Front Page" author.
Five-star general.
Tokyo-bound general.
Arkansas' favorite son.
He celebrated sixty-fourth birthday in January.
"I have returned.”
American hero.
Former chief of Rainbow Division.
He's a four-starred headliner.
United Nations commander.
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