Crossword Solver / Answers / MALTESEFALCON

Crossword Clues for MALTESEFALCON

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Clue Source Date
*Jewel-encrusted film noir title bird LA Times Daily 21 Dec 2021
*Sam Spade's quest in a 1941 film Universal 17 Apr 2019
*Sam Spade's quest in a 1941 film
1941 Humphrey Bogart film, with "The"
Sam Spade quest
31st best film of all time, according to AFI's tenth anniversary edition (with "The")
Much sought-after title object, in a 1930 mystery
Much sought-after title object, in a 1930 mystery
1941 Humphrey Bogart drama, with 'The'
Dashiell Hammett detective novel, with "The"
1941 film classic (with "The")
Quest in a Hammett novel
1941 Humphrey Bogart film, with "The"
Bogart classic ("The")
Object of a hunt in a 1929 mystery
Statuette Spade searched for
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