Crossword Solver / Answers / MICROWAVE

Word "MICROWAVE" Definitions:

Part of Speech:
cook or heat in a microwave oven
micro-cook, nuke, zap
You can microwave the leftovers

Part of Speech:
kitchen appliance that cooks food by passing an electromagnetic wave through it; heat results from the absorption of energy by the water molecules in the food
microwave oven

Part of Speech:
a short electromagnetic wave (longer than infrared but shorter than radio waves); used for radar and microwave ovens and for transmitting telephone, facsimile, video and data

Crossword Clues for MICROWAVE

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Clue Source Date
Warm voice contrived for Zappa, some say (9)
Oven that goes ping!
Zap Eugene Sheffer 25 Apr 2023
Bird between two big roads in heat The Times Cryptic 27 Apr 2022
Oven I am returning — beware, bank is involved
Cook‘s unusually warm voice
Nuke in an appliance, say Eugene Sheffer 01 Apr 2020
Small stream from which duck might emerge?
Busy road to boast street cook
___ oven, widely-used kitchen appliance that was accidentally discovered when a chocolate bar melted in the inventor's pocket
Very little acknowledgment for kitchen equipment? The Times Cryptic 17 Apr 2017
Stove neighbor, maybe Newsday 16 Apr 2017
Small gesture can warm things up
Very tiny acknowledgment for help in the kitchen
Very tiny acknowledgment for help in the kitchen The Times Cryptic 27 May 2016
Device for cooking bird in two ways
WArm voice becoming animated – it heats quickly
Popcorn popper, at times Wall Street Journal 26 Jan 2015
Hardly an attraction for a surfer?
Zap dinner
Like some modern signals
Bird between two big roads in heat
A small goodbye?
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