Crossword Clues for NAVEE

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"...I am the ruler of the Queen's ___" (Gilbert & Sullivan)
"H.M.S. Pinafore" group
H.M.S. Pinafore force
"Ruler of the Queen's ___": "HMS Pinafore"
"H.M.S. Pinafore" fleet
"...I am the ruler of the Queen's ___" (Gilbert & Sullivan)
"Ruler of the Queen's___"
" . . . Ruler of the Queen's ___"
Sea force, to W. S. Gilbert
" . . . Ruler of the Queen's ___!"
"Ruler of the Queen's ___!"
Queen's fleet in G.&S.
Domain of admiral in "Pinafore"
"The Queen's ___"
The Queen's ___
" . . . ruler of the Queen's ___"
H.M.S. Pinafore's fleet.
"The Queen's ___."
"The ruler of the Queen's ___ . . . "
Sir Joseph Porter's domain.
"I am the Ruler of the Queen's ___."
"For I am the ruler of the Queen's ___!"
"Now I am the ruler of the Queen's ___!"
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