Crossword Solver / Answers / NEPENTHE

Crossword Clues for NEPENTHE

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One lacking love to write article as a means to forget (8)
Writer enthralled by ultimate hard drug, one causing sorrow to be forgotten (8)
Sorrow-lulling drug
One pen thereabouts hiding plant (8)
Write article supporting new Ecstasy drug The Telegraph Toughie 05 May 2022
Single lovelorn writer needs the drink to forget The Telegraph Toughie 17 Dec 2021
Drug stashed in one pen there
Write article on nearly-new drug
Cooked penne, ate 2/3rd — necessitated hospital entry to have a drug
Write article in support of new drug as a pain reliever
Mythical elixir of forgetfulness
Sorrow-drowning drug of the ancients
Drink of forgetfulness
Ancient potion of forgetfulness
Drink of forgetfulness
Lotus-Eaters' palliative
Drug that induces forgetfulness
Drink of forgetfulness
Forgetfulness- inducing potion, of yore
Drink causing forgetfulness of sorrow
This makes one forget sorrow
Potion to dull sorrow
LSD of ancient times
Ancient relative of LSD.
Anything causing oblivion.
Potion of forgetfulness.
Lotus-Eaters' drug
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