Crossword Solver / Answers / OFFICIOUS

Word "OFFICIOUS" Definitions:

Part of Speech:
intrusive in a meddling or offensive manner
busy, busybodied, interfering, meddlesome, meddling
bustling about self-importantly making an officious nuisance of himself

Crossword Clues for OFFICIOUS

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Clue Source Date
Meddling, start in charge with debts (9)
Too authoritative (9)
Rotten and Vicious after withdrawing Virgin's debut for meddling The Telegraph Toughie 03 Aug 2022
Not wanting to get spiteful, Victor ignored meddling
Interfering old females: nasty? Not very
Interfering niece oddly neglected to pack away documents acknowledging debts
Meddling, but not working for leader of wicked
Pretentious commissioner absolving last two debts
Like a buttinsky
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