Crossword Clues for ONADARE

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Clue Source Date
Rashly LA Times Daily 02 Mar 2024
Why some risks are taken Newsday 16 Dec 2023
How some idiotic things are done Wall Street Journal 21 Jun 2023
Under peer pressure, perhaps Newsday 19 Feb 2023
How some regrettable actions are done New York Times 28 Sep 2022
How some take stupid risks Wall Street Journal 27 Aug 2022
How you might walk through the graveyard at night New York Times 13 Jun 2022
How foolhardy things may be done Wall Street Journal 06 Jun 2022
How some pranks are pulled Universal 09 Jan 2022
How some stunts are done Universal 19 Jun 2021
How some pranks may be pulled The Washington Post Sunday 16 May 2021
How some flips into a pool may be attempted The Washington Post Sunday 10 Jan 2021
How risky things might be done Wall Street Journal 21 Oct 2019
How some silly things are done LA Times Daily 16 Oct 2019
How some silly things are done The Washington Post 16 Oct 2019
How some dumb things are done Wall Street Journal 21 Aug 2019
How some risks are taken LA Times Daily 06 Jun 2019
How some risks are taken The Washington Post 06 Jun 2019
How some dumb things are done
How some risks are taken
How some silly things are done
How risky things might be done
How you might go zip-lining New York Times 12 Dec 2018
How you might go zip-lining
If challenged Thomas Joseph 08 Oct 2018
How bugs may be eaten New York Times 25 May 2018
When challenged Thomas Joseph 26 Mar 2018
How bugs may be eaten
How you might do something dumb New York Times 30 Jul 2017
How some stunts are done The Washington Post 23 Jul 2017
How some stunts are done LA Times Daily 23 Jul 2017
How some risky behavior is set in motion The Chronicle of Higher Education 21 Apr 2017
How some stunts are done
How some risky behavior is set in motion
How you might do something dumb
How some foolish things are done LA Times Daily 28 Jul 2016
How some foolish things are done
Impetuously, in a way Newsday 18 Oct 2015
How a stunt may be done Newsday 09 Jul 2015
Since you were challenged Newsday 15 Mar 2015
How a stunt may be done
In reply to a challenge
Impetuously, in a way
Since you were challenged
Not entirely of one's own volition, say
How dumb things may be done
How you might do something gross
One way to do something crazy
Why some risks are taken
How some risks are taken
How streaking may be done
Because you were challenged
How many stupid things are done
How some pranks are done
How one might go bungee jumping
How one might eat fried worms
How some hotdogging is done
When challenged
How some hotdogging is done
How some stunts are done
How some dumb things are done
One way to do something stupid
How one might streak
Impetuously, perhaps
How a prank call may be made
How some stunts are done
How some risks are taken
How some stunts are attempted
Because one was challenged
How you might end up eating a goldfish
How some crazy things are done
Because one was challenged
How foolish things might be done
Impetuously, maybe
Why a risk may be taken
How wacky behavior might be proposed
If challenged
Impetuously, perhaps
How, say, eating worms might be done
Engaging in risky behavior
How dumb things are sometimes done
Somewhat rashly
How someone might sky-dive for the first time
Under pressure, perhaps
How some stunts are undertaken
When challenged
Somewhat rashly
Because of the challenge
How many a stunt is undertaken
One reason to do something crazy
How many stunts are undertaken
Under peer pressure, perhaps
Encouraged by others, in a way
Impetuously, sort of
"Not ___!" ("No chance!")
Way to take a risk
In response to a challenge
One reason to do something crazy
Under challenge
How some dumb things are done
How some YOLO moments are performed
How a prank call may be made
How a risk may be taken
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