Word "PACHISI" Definitions:

Part of Speech:
an ancient board game resembling backgammon; played on a cross-shaped board
parchesi, parchisi

Crossword Clues for PACHISI

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Clue Source Date
Board game since at least the 1500s Newsday 06 Jun 2020
Indian board game is one behind chap playing
. Game for father and child; to collect raisins essentially
Game named after the Hindi word for 'twenty-five' New York Times 31 Jul 2015
Game named after the Hindi word for "twenty-five"
Brewed cha coming in I drink up – while playing this?
Game with beehive-shaped pieces
Game with beehive-shaped pieces
Sorry! inspiration
It's played on a cross-shaped board
Classic board game from India
It's played on a cross-shaped board
Ancient board game from India
Board game from India
Ancient Indian game
Game with a cross-shaped board
Board game
Indian game resembling backgammon.
Backgammon-like game of India.
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