Word "PERIGEE" Definitions:

Part of Speech:
periapsis in Earth orbit; the point in its orbit where a satellite is nearest to the Earth

Crossword Clues for PERIGEE

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Clue Source Date
The point in its orbit around the earth when the moon is nearest the earth (7)
The point at which the moon is nearest earth (7)
Orbital extreme Newsday 30 Jul 2023
Supermoon's position Wall Street Journal 24 Jun 2023
Post-liftoff announcement Newsday 30 Apr 2022
Orbital minimum Thomas Joseph 21 Feb 2022
Lowest point of an orbit The Times Concise 23 Jan 2021
Clothing caught by épée awfully near point
Closest point in an orbit Family Time 10 Feb 2020
Innermost orbital point Universal 13 Aug 2017
Space station stat Newsday 25 Feb 2017
Innermost orbital point
Orbital low point New York Times 06 Aug 2015
Orbital low point
Orbital extreme
Orbital extreme
Fairy ring finally seen where moon is nearest to us
Orbital extreme
Nearest orbital point
Orbital point closest to earth
Orbital minimum
Closest point in an orbit
Orbital point
Point in an ellipse
Orbital position
Orbital position
Orbital extreme
Nearest approach
Orbital point
Satellite's low point
Closest position in space
Orbital point
Orbit's closest point
Moon's nearest orbit point
Apogee opposite
Innermost orbital point
Point in the orbit nearest the earth
Orbit point
Lowest orbital point
Orbit position
Space flight term.
Moon's nearest orbital point.
Point in moon's orbit nearest to earth.
Point in the moon's orbit nearest the earth.
Point in the moon's orbit.
Point when moon is nearest earth.
Point where moon is nearest earth.
Orbital point
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