Word "PITMAN" Definitions:

Part of Speech:
English educator who invented a system of phonetic shorthand (1813-1897)
sir isaac pitman

Part of Speech:
someone who works in a coal mine
coal miner, collier

Crossword Clues for PITMAN

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Clue Source Date
Is this underground worker shorthanded? (6)
Jenny ---, British former racehorse trainer and author; the first woman to train a Grand National winner (6)
Shorthand inventor Mirror Tea Time 15 Dec 2023
Jenny _, the first woman to train a Grand National winner (6)
Gently scuffed mat fills home — this one's in mine The Guardian Cryptic 27 Dec 2022
Underground worker at empty platform in Barking
His place of work is mine
Collier‘s pleased at first to confront ‘ired killer
Coal miner USA Today 05 Apr 2018
Shorthand developer Isaac
Style of shorthand
Coal miner
Coal miner
Shorthand pioneer
Shorthand inventor
Coal miner.
Inventor of phonetic shorthand system.
Inventor of shorthand system (1813–97).
Coal miner
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