Word "RENTE" Definitions:

Part of Speech:
income from capital investment paid in a series of regular payments

Crossword Clues for RENTE

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Clue Source Date
Income from capital investment paid in a series of regular payments.
Income received yearly is split by Earl
French landlord's due The Washington Post 07 Jun 2016
Regular payment Canadiana 11 Jan 2016
French annuity LA Times Daily 08 Aug 2015
French annuity
French income
French income
French income
Income, in Paris
French income
Frenchman's income
Yvonne's income
Pension, in Paris
Some Parisian income
Yvonne's income
Income, in Cannes
Income, in Cannes
Annuity in France
Annuity, in France
Income in Paris
French landlord's due
French landlord's due
French annuity
French income
Income, to Nicole
Gallic income
Income, in Caen
Revenue, to Pierre
Parisian's income
Cost-of-living expense in Paree
Income, in Cannes
Revenue, in France
Parisian tenant's payment
French landlord's income
Concierge's collection
French income
Annuité, par exemple
Annuity in France
Income: Fr.
French revenue
French revenue
Francophone's income
French yearly income
Pierre's annual income
Annual income: Fr.
Income for Pierre
Income, in France
Periodic income, in Paris
Private income, in Paris
Gallic income
Annual income, in Arles
French annuity
Income for a Lourdes landlord
Nice income
Revenue, in Rennes
Income, in Cannes
Annuity, to Pierre
Annual income for Pierre
Income, in Indre
Pierre's income
Income, in Paris
Income in Indre
French revenue or income
Annuity, in Arles
Income for Yves
Bardot's income
Parisian's income
Income, in Le Havre
Revenue, in France
Funds: Fr.
Income: Fr.
Income in Paris
French income.
Income, in Paris.
French revenue.
French annual income.
French annuity.
Income in France.
Revenue, in France.
Frenchman's income.
Income, in France.
Yearly income in France.
Annuity: Fr.
French investor's income.
Annual income in France.
Income or revenue: French.
Public income in France.
In France, annual income.
French bond.
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