Word "ROCKERS" Definitions:

Part of Speech:
originally a British youth subculture that evolved out of the teddy boys in the 1960s; wore black leather jackets and jeans and boots; had greased hair and rode motorcycles and listened to rock'n'roll; were largely unskilled manual laborers

Crossword Clues for ROCKERS

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Clue Source Date
1960s British youths who wore leather jackets and rode motorcycles (7)
Porch chairs Eugene Sheffer 29 Dec 2022
Chairs for 27 rivals
Bush and Rush, e.g.
Some music groupies
You don't sit still in them
Some porch chairs
Metal bands, e.g.
Some front porch furniture
Hypnotic seats
Hypnotic seats
Porch furniture.
Parts of chairs.
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