Crossword Clues for SAIC

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Sea vessel getting thus to harbour area
Levantine ketch
Near East ketch
Levantine ketch
Levantine vessel
Levantine ketch
Levantine ketch
Levant vessel
Ketch common to the Mideast
Mediterranean sailboat
Levant sailboat
Sailing vessel
Levantine craft
Eastern ketch
Levantine boat
Mideast ketch
Mediterranean sailboat.
Mediterranean boat.
Ketch of the Levant.
Levantine ketch.
Levantine vessel.
Near East ketch.
Mediterranean vessel.
Mediterranean ketch.
Levantine kvetch.
Levant sailing vessel.
Levantine boat.
Levantine sailing vessel.
Levant ketch.
Near East vessel.
Eastern ketch.
A boat common in the Levant.
Ketch common in the Levant.
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