Crossword Solver / Answers / SCURRILOUS

Word "SCURRILOUS" Definitions:

Part of Speech:
expressing offensive reproach
abusive, opprobrious

Crossword Clues for SCURRILOUS

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Clue Source Date
Indecently abusive (10)
Humorously insulting (10)
Slanderous (10)
Vulgar rascal — immature lout — to get small punishment aboard ship
Disparaging, abusive The Guardian Speedy 07 Nov 2021
Foul slurs wrongly associated with curio
Vulgar and expensive car with ludicrously luscious upholstery
Offensive son, eager to learn about right, left separately
Abusive rascal interrupting Hindu's address, endlessly base person
I scour URLs, which could be interpreted as defamatory
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