Crossword Solver / Answers / SHANGRI-LA

Crossword Clues for SHANGRI-LA

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Clue Source Date
Fabulous land sharing supply almost everyone rejected The Times Cryptic 13 May 2022
Remote utopia The Times Concise 31 Mar 2022
Society to suspend rail travelling in ideal place
Has girl confused about an imaginary paradise The Times Cryptic 11 Nov 2021
Hangs out with dreadful liar in imaginary paradise
Paradise has madly, endlessly furiously, come before angel's head
Paradise has madly, endlessly furiously, come before angel's head
Mum with annoyance missing year attending a mystical retreat
Han girls drawing a place of peace
Has funny new girl changed a blissful situation?
Violently gnash and rail badly at Hilton's secret haven
Creation of Hilton hotel, drizzled with fruity Spanish wine, containing hint of limoncello
Dicky has new girl around — a perfect situation
Mum, in a temper, cut down article from Himalayan valley
Liar hangs out in idyllic location
Garnish whipped up by the French in earthly paradise
Marshalling resources to sacrifice sources of love, money to reach heaven
I lash out with suppressed fury, directionless in heaven
Fabulous land sharing supply almost everyone rejected
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