Crossword Solver / Answers / SHIVAREE

Word "SHIVAREE" Definitions:

Part of Speech:
a noisy mock serenade (made by banging pans and kettles) to a newly married couple
belling, callathump, callithump, charivari, chivaree

Crossword Clues for SHIVAREE

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Clue Source Date
Hindu god on cut grass causing row in the Bible belt? The Telegraph Toughie 20 Jul 2023
Mock serenade to newlyweds
Post-nuptial kettle-and-pan send-off
Noisy celebration
Noisy celebration
Noisy celebration
Noisy bash
Postnuptial kettle-and-pan send-off
Big celebration
Mock serenade
Noisy, mock serenade
Newlyweds' "serenade."
A mock serenade with kettles, pans, horns, etc.
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