Word "SIRRAH" Definitions:

Part of Speech:
formerly a contemptuous term of address to an inferior man or boy; often used in anger

Crossword Clues for SIRRAH

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Clue Source Date
Globe Theatre address
One man in a boat turned back to find old address The Telegraph Cryptic 09 Jun 2020
Old fashioned address upset Harris 
One member of boating party returned to old address The Times Cryptic 24 Jun 2016
Tweed's on the rise, my man! The Telegraph Toughie 13 Aug 2015
Shakespearean term of address
Shakespearean expression of impatience
Old deprecatory term of address
Star in Andromeda
Star in Andromeda
"Buster," old-style
Buster, old-style
Old fashioned address
Old-fashioned term of address
Old word of contempt
Old term of address
Term of address, old style.
Reproachful title, old style.
Shakespearean interjection.
Feudal term of address.
Archaic term of address.
Uncomplimentary term of address.
Scornful term of address.
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