Crossword Clues for STRATO

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Clue Source Date
Laid out, as purple cloth for Aeneas; ____que super discumbitur ostro (Virg. A. 1.700) (abl.)
Sphere opening Wall Street Journal 14 Dec 2019
Loyal servant knocking back round confectionery items
Prefix with cumulus
Prefix with sphere
Prefix with sphere
Sphere starter
Prefix with sphere
Prefix with sphere
Prefix with sphere
It means "layer"
Cumulus opener
Starter for sphere
Cumulus opener
Prefix with sphere
Cumulus start
Sphere intro
Meteorological word form
Spherical opening?
Spherical opening?
Sphere starter
Sphere front
Sphere opener
Spherical starter
Sphere opening?
Cloud description: Comb. form
Cloud: prefix
Prefix for sphere
Prefix with cruiser or sphere
Cloud form: Prefix
___-cumulus cloud.
Meteorologic combining form, denoting a low-altitude cloud.
Low and horizontal: Comb. form.
Cloud form: Comb. form.
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