Crossword Clues for SUBJ

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Clue Source Date
Calculus or Trigonometry, e.g., for short
Pt. of a sentence Eugene Sheffer 08 Aug 2022
Maths or geography, for short
Pt. of a sentence Eugene Sheffer 13 May 2022
Science or math, for short
Pt. of a sentence Eugene Sheffer 17 May 2021
History or math, e.g., for short
Science or Math, for short
Math or Social Studies, for short
History or Physics, for short
History or Physics, for short
Math or Social Studies, for short
Field of study: Abbr.
Topic of discussion, for short
___ of discussion (topic), for short
Physics or chemistry, for short
English or history, for short
Opposite of objective, for short
History or Science, for short
History or Geography, for short
Maths or history, for short
Educational topic, for short
Topic of a class, for short
Topic of discussion, say: Abbr.
Field of study, like maths or history, for short
History, English or Economics, for short
Field of study, for short
Topic of discussion, for short
Maths or history in school, for short
History or geography, briefly
Branch of knowledge like history or geography, for short
Theme of a study, for short
Topic of discussion, for short
Header in an email, for short
Branch of study like Science or History, for short
Topic of discussion, say: Abbr.
Math, chemistry, or art, for short
History or Physics, for short
History or Science, for short
Field of study: Abbr.
Topic of study, like Math or Pol. Sc.: Abbr.
Math or Social Studies, for short
Eng. or hist New York Times 16 Oct 2016
Eng. or hist.
Chem. or calc Wall Street Journal 26 Sep 2015
Hist. or Eng New York Times 05 Apr 2015
Hist. or Eng.
Chem. or calc.
Pred. counterpart
Alg. or geog.
Predicate's counterpart, grammatically (abbr.)
Science or social studies: Abbr.
Math or soc. studies
Hist. or sci.
Math or soc. studies
Hist. or sci.
Part of a sentence (Abbr.)
Pt. of a sentence
Sentence part: Abbr.
Topic: Abbr.
Topic: Abbr.
Area of study: Abbr.
Field of study (abbr.)
H.S. course
H.S. course
Pt. of a sentence
English Lit., e.g.
English Lit., e.g.
Pred. accompaniment
Library catalog abbr.
Topic: Abbr.
Biol. or alg.
Ed. topic
Sci. or math, e.g.
Item under discussion: Abbr.
Sentence pt.
Truncated topic
Phys. or Psych.
Part of a sentence: Abbr
Theme: Abbr.
Grammar abbr.
Sentence part: Abbr.
Email heading: Abbr.
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