Word "SWATTER" Definitions:

Part of Speech:
an implement with a flat part (of mesh or plastic) and a long handle; used to kill insects
flyswat, flyswatter

Part of Speech:
splash and flutter about in or as if in water
She swattered about in the pool

Crossword Clues for SWATTER

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Clue Source Date
Bug-killer was ordered by head of the territory (7)
Splash around alternative to insecticide
Fly's undoing Universal 03 Apr 2016
Fly feller
Pest eradicator
Fly chaser
High fly catcher?
One hitting flies
One hitting flies
Debugging device?
No-fly-zone gear?
Cause of a fly's demise
Anti-pest device
Fly flattener
Bug-zapper predecessor
Fly follower
Musca domestica's nemesis
Fly's nemesis
Insect killer
Insecticide, sort of
Fly ___.
Batsman, perhaps.
Fly's finale.
Mighty batsman.
Fly killer.
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