Word "TANKA" Definitions:

Part of Speech:
a form of Japanese poetry; the 1st and 3rd lines have five syllables and the 2nd, 4th, and 5th have seven syllables

Part of Speech:
a Tibetan religious painting on fabric

Crossword Clues for TANKA

Refine the search results by specifying the filter for clues.
Clue Source Date
The boat people of Canton (5)
31-syllable Japanese poem New York Times 30 Apr 2022
Reservoir, answer for boat-dwellers
Japanese poem The Times Concise 24 Oct 2020
Buried under storage container is a Japanese poem The Times Cryptic 22 Sep 2020
Buried under storage container is a Japanese poem
Fail with a Japanese poem
Fail badly with a Japanese verse
Type of Japanese poem The Telegraph Quick 17 Dec 2017
31-syllable Japanese poem LA Times Daily 27 Feb 2016
Poem of 31 syllables in five lines
Poem of 31 syllables in five lines
Japanese poem of 31 syllables
31-syllable Japanese poem
Kind of Japanese poem
31-syllable Japanese poem
Poem of 31 syllables in five lines
31-syllable, 5-line haiku-like poetry
Japanese poem
Japanese poem
Japanese verse form
Tibetan religious painting
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