Crossword Solver / Answers / TANTALUS

Word "TANTALUS" Definitions:

Part of Speech:
(Greek mythology) a wicked king and son of Zeus; condemned in Hades to stand in water that receded when he tried to drink and beneath fruit that receded when he reached for it

Crossword Clues for TANTALUS

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Clue Source Date
One who couldn't eat or drink tea loses energy, in the end skin and bone (8)
Lockable case for drink (8)
A case in which decanters are visible but locked up (8)
Character in Greek myth who is punished by standing beneath fruit that is just out of reach
Greek tormented by temptation The Telegraph Quick 23 Aug 2023
Legendary figure to go brown: Greek character around lake getting sun The Guardian Cryptic 19 May 2022
Cheers with depraved sultan becoming victim of hellish punishment
Son of Zeus and a case for decanters Irish Times Simplex 12 Nov 2021
A case or stand in which spirit decanters are locked but visible The Times Specialist Sunday 31 Oct 2021
Lockable case for decanters Irish Times Simplex 20 Aug 2020
Wicked king and son of Zeus The Guardian Speedy 28 Jul 2018
Son of Zeus and case for decanters Irish Times Simplex 26 Jan 2018
Mythical king who never quite got what he wanted The Telegraph Cryptic 11 Dec 2017
Mythical king who never quite got what he wanted
He's tormented us, but beat a Chess Champion first
Secure liquor decanter The Guardian Speedy 22 Oct 2016
Container of spirits from sultanate mostly destroyed The Telegraph Cryptic 03 Jun 2015
He was teased long ago for locking away those associated with the spirit world Irish Times Crosaire 20 Mar 2015
Greek king tormented by fruit and water he could never quite reach
Greek king tormented by fruit and water he could never quite reach
Niobe's tormented dad
Victim of terrible teasing
Mythical Greek king
Chin-deep-in-water king of myth
King tormented by thirst and hunger
Hungry, thirsty, tormented king of mythology
Son of Zeus doomed to frustration
Father of Niobe.
King and son of Zeus.
King doomed to hunger and thirst: Myth.
Locked cellaret, named after mythical king.
King doomed to hunger and thirst.
Tormented king, in Greek legend.
Locked cellaret for wines and liquors.
Mythical king who suffered eternal hunger and thirst.
His punishment was a tease.
Submerged son of Zeus.
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