Crossword Clues for TAROS

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Clue Source Date
Cocoyam, pl.
Plants producing eddoes (5)
Need for poi LA Times Daily 19 Jan 2024
Roots used in poi Eugene Sheffer 13 Dec 2023
Polynesian tubers Newsday 18 Jun 2023
Root vegetables that are staples of Hawaiian cuisine The New Yorker 18 May 2020
Starchy roots LA Times Daily 05 Jan 2020
Starchy roots The Washington Post 05 Jan 2020
Poi plants New York Times 10 Feb 2019
Poi plants
Starchy tubers
Thus rodent goes around edible plants The Telegraph Cryptic 20 Jul 2018
Pacific starch sources Universal 03 May 2018
Poi-producers Universal 02 Feb 2018
Pacific starch sources
Pacific tubers Universal 10 Oct 2017
Plants of the arum family New York Times 31 Mar 2017
Plants of the arum family
Pacific tubers
Plants sometimes used to make flour New York Times 30 Sep 2016
Poi plants Premier Sunday 24 Jul 2016
Poi ingredients Universal 12 Mar 2016
Plants sometimes used to make flour
Poi sources
Poi ingredients
Island roots
Island tubers
Some Polynesian plants
Poi-producing plants
Starchy roots
Polynesian tubers
Tropical starch sources
Polynesian tubers
Tropical starch sources
Polynesian starch staples
Poi-producing roots
Tropical tubers
Pacific tubers
Roots used in poi
Starchy tubers
Starchy Polynesian tubers
Some Polynesian plants
Starch sources
Roots used in poi
Some root veggies
South Seas starch sources
They may have Hawaiian roots
Hawaiian staple vegetables
Starch sources
Tuber veggies
Edible tubers
Tropical tubers
Pacific tubers
Tropical tubers
Plants used to make poi
Tropical roots
Edible roots
Starchy tubers
Starchy tubers
Tropical tubers
Starchy roots
Tropical tubers
Starchy roots
Tropical tubers
Sources of starch
Poi material
Poi material
Poi ingredients
Poi-producing plants
South Seas starch sources
Poi bases
Polynesian tubers
Edible tubers
Starchy tubers
Starchy roots
Pacific plants
Edible rootstocks
Poi roots
Tubers in poi
Plants used to make poi
Poi ingredients
Poi roots
Pacific tubers
Poi makings
Tropical food plants
Roots used in poi
Poi sources
Pacific aroids
Starchy roots
Tropical plants
Starchy plants
Pacific roots
Pacific plants
Root plants
Edible roots
Starchy roots.
Source of poi.
Tropical plants.
Starchy rootstocks.
Food plants of Pacific islands.
Edible roots.
Elephant's ears.
Plants called elephant's-ears.
Leafy vegetables
Starchy tubers
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