Crossword Solver / Answers / THESUNALSORISES

Crossword Clues for THESUNALSORISES

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Clue Source Date
Hemingway title, and a hint to a three-letter answer that fits with four stealthy seven-letter answers Wall Street Journal 02 Nov 2023
Work set in France and Spain, then US and Israel's so awful The Guardian Cryptic 20 Jan 2022
Classic American novel set in France and Spain
Classic American novel set in France and Spain New York Times 26 Nov 2019
Novel whose title is taken from Ecclesiastes The Chronicle of Higher Education 27 Jan 2017
Novel whose title is taken from Ecclesiastes
1957 film with Tyrone Power, Ava Gardner, Mel Ferrer, and Errol Flynn
1926 novel set in Pamplona
1926 novel set in Pamplona
Novel whose title comes from Ecclesiastes
Hemingway saga
The American title
Celestial Light?
It features Jake Barnes
Motto of a Baltimore newspaper?
Hemingway classic
1957 Tyrone Power movie
Hemingway novel
Novel by 58 Across, 1926
Hemingway title
Novel featuring Jake Barnes
Novel featuring Lady Brett Ashley
Ernest Hemingway title from Ecclesiates
Hemingway opus
Hemingway novel: 1926
Work by 34 Across
Hemingway novel
Novel of 1926
6:15 A.M.
Originally "The Lost Generation"
Second novel by 56 Across
Novel about "the lost generation"
Work by 16 Across
Classic novel of 1926
Book by 24 Across
Novel of 1926.
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