Crossword Clues for UMT

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Draft letters
Nationwide mil. instruction
U.S. draft program
Former draft initials
Erstwhile draft initials
Armed-serv. training
Draft program: Abbr.
Mil. service initials
Manpower program: Abbr.
Initials for conscription.
Army program: Abbr.
Relative of the draft.
By-passed system of military training: Abbr.
Relative of S. S. S.
Relative of selective service: Abbr.
Controversial system of defense: Abbr.
Preparedness program, shelved 1952.
Shelved controversial bill.
Topic for N.S.A. discussion.
Controversial military program.
Oft-proposed conscription bill.
Shelved military problem: Abbr.
Bill shelved by Congress, March, 1952.
Armed Services bill shelved by Congress.
Defense measure rejected by the House.
Truman's preparedness bill.
Bill recently signed by Truman.
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