Crossword Clues for UNHAT

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Clue Source Date
Doff one's fedora
Remove cap? That honour regularly goes to the Left
Doff one's topper Wall Street Journal 14 Apr 2018
Doff one's topper
Doff an item of apparel The Telegraph General Knowledge 09 Jul 2017
Doff one's derby USA Today 27 Sep 2016
Lose the derby? Universal 20 Aug 2016
Display respect with one's topper The Washington Post 27 Jul 2016
Doff one's derby
Lose the derby?
Remove one's bowler? USA Today 19 Sep 2015
Flip one's lid? Universal 25 Jul 2015
Tuna cooking; hot in there? Lift the lid! The Telegraph Toughie 13 May 2015
Tip a tam LA Times Daily 10 May 2015
Doff poetically Universal 12 Feb 2015
Flip one's lid?
Tip a tam
Doff poetically
Remove one's bowler?
Knock off a derby, e.g.
Flip one's lid?
Doff a cap
Remove one's chapeau
Doff one's cap
Take the top off of, in a way
Knock off a bowler
Doff, as a derby
Remove one's cap, as in respect
Knock off a bowler
Remove one's cap, as in respect
Take a 31-Down off, in a way
Take one's cap off
Doff a bowler
Show respect, in a way
Doff a bowler
Doff one's derby
Doff a derby
Doff a derby
Doff one's bowler
Doff one's derby
Doff, as a derby
Take the top off
Take away a beret
Doff one's derby
Tip one's tam
Flip one's lid?
Tip one's topper
Remove one's derby, e.g.
Relieve of a chapeau
Remove one's derby, e.g.
Remove a beret
Doff one's cap
Doff headgear
Relieve of a chapeau
Lose the derby
Doff a derby
Remove the head cover
Remove one's bowler?
Pull off one's derby
Doff one.s chapeau
Doff poetically
Take off the topper
Take off the topper
Doff one's derby
Doff one's cap
Doff a derby, old style
Doff the skimmer
Tip the derby
Remove a fedora
Doff headgear
Tip the chapeau
Bare the head, old style
Remove fedoras.
Bare one's head.
Doff the derby.
Act to salute the flag.
Doff the lid.
Doff the headgear.
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