Crossword Solver / Answers / UNSCRAMBLE

Word "UNSCRAMBLE" Definitions:

Part of Speech:
become or cause to become undone by separating the fibers or threads of
unknot, unpick, unravel, untangle

Part of Speech:
make intelligible
Can you unscramble the message?

Crossword Clues for UNSCRAMBLE

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Make clear that engineer can slumber (10)
Solve, as the clue "ABCELMNRSU" Universal 10 Dec 2022
Restore to a readable state, name, last in register club's disguised The Telegraph Cryptic 22 Aug 2022
To make sense of Sun puzzle, many go on and on
Restore to a readable state The Times Concise 14 Dec 2019
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Rearrange, as mixed-up letters
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