Crossword Clues for USEE

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Clue Source Date
Lawsuit beneficiary Universal 30 Nov 2017
Lawsuit beneficiary
One being exploited USA Today 25 Dec 2015
One being exploited
One for whose benefit a legal suit is brought
One for whose benefit a legal suit is brought
Certain plaintiff, in law
Lawsuit beneficiary
Con man's victim
Certain plaintiff, at law
Beneficiary of a lawsuit
Conman's victim
One being exploited
Certain plaintiff, at law
Certain plaintiff, in law
Lawsuit benefactor
Type of plaintiff
Con man's victim
Suit beneficiary
Beneficiary: Law
Beneficiary in a suit
Lawsuit beneficiary
Beneficiary in lawsuit
One who benefits
Legal term.
Rarely, a legal recipient.
One for whose service a thing is given.
Beneficiary of action: Rare.
Consumer: Law.
Beneficiary: Law.
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