Word Finder

Words With Letters

Making words with letters is easy when you know how and you're in the right place! We've got tons of words by length, from 5-letter word lists to 7-letter words. Our letter unscrambler tool turns your jumbled letters and blank tiles into cohesive and genuine words for all your favorite word games. Whether you're after tips on how to beat your opponents in Words With Friends or need a helping hand in making words from letters in Scrabble, we've got you!

Winning Words With Letters

Our short and simple guide will help you win against your friends, improve your vocabulary, and effectively use words with these letters, so you can focus on playing a puzzle game and less time on a jumble solver.

Making Clever Combinations With Letters

Occasionally, we all need a Words with Friends cheat, but really it's just a reference tool. Think of our word finder as a user-friendly unscramble tool to help you get the most out of the word games you play!

Our dictionary of words with letters helps you find the most plausible options for a quick scrabble cheat. Use it when you're stuck trying to find words with the extra letters you have in your rack.

What letter combinations can I make?

Scrabble players know that it's not just about winning the game, though it's very important; it's also about stopping your opponent from putting down the highest-scoring letters. Use our word-finder input box as part of your strategy and browse our word list to find the best possible options to win the game and prevent your opponent from doing so.

One of the most commonly queried questions regarding word games is "how can I make words with these letters?" So, here are some word examples for one of the most common letters in anagram puzzles and word games alike.

How do I make words starting with the letter e?

Making words with the letter E is easy; it's one of the highest-frequency letter tiles, and because it's a vowel, it also comes up in tons of words, perfect for playing Words with Friends! Here are a few examples, but use our jumbler tool to discover more.

5-letter words

  • Mezzo
  • Zazen
  • Jeeze

6-letter words

  • Zizzle
  • Fizzes
  • Fuzzed

7-letter words

  • Jazzmen
  • Frizzes
  • Whizzed

See? Making words with the letter E is as easy as Sunday morning! Try it out for yourself; write down 7 letters on a piece of paper, including the letters e and z and see if you can unscramble them. The letter z also has a huge advantage in the popular word game Scrabble because it's a high-scoring letter that could win you at least 10 points!

Remember, you can make even more letter combinations if you have a blank letter tile!

FAQ - Tips & Tricks

Check out our list of frequently asked questions.

How do I find the highest-scoring words with the letters I have?

One of the best strategies when playing any word game is to identify vowels. There are only 5 in English, so make sure you use them in your vocabulary. Vowels are also used in almost every word you see; they may be small, but they are mighty!

  • Quickly - an adverb for fast, moving in a quick manner. (27 points minimum) 
  • Jazzy - an adjective meaning bright and colorful. (33 points minimum)
  • Jukebox - an old-fashioned music player first seen in 1889. (27 points minimum)

Next up, see if you can make words with these letters; Q, Z, or J; it will win you big points in Scrabble and Words With Friends.

  • Ventriloquizing - a verb used to describe the act of ventriloquism. (37 points minimum)
  • Oxyphenbutazone - is an anti-inflammatory drug. (41 points minimum)
  • Subjectivized - making something subjective. (37 points minimum)

How many words can I make with the letters x, z, and q?

Some of the most troublesome letters are Z, X, and Q. However, there are plenty of words with these letters that you can place down, and because they are high-scoring, placing combinations of letters on the board will win you big points.

Words with x

It's highly contested about how many words there are in the English language containing the letter x. The Oxford Dictionary lists about 400 starting with x, whereas other online dictionaries count about 100. Regardless, there is plenty to discover, so here are some of the highest-scoring.

  • Exequay - a funeral rite or ancient burial word. (25 points minimum, 6-letter word)
  • Physcosexuality - emotional and mental aspects of human sexuality. (35 points minimum, 15-letter word)
  • Zootaxy - scientific classification of animals. (26 points minimum, 7-letter word)

Words with z

Zappy, zingy, or zealous are great examples of words with z. Check out some more examples below, or use our anagram solver to discover more.

  • Hyperimmunizing -  present participle of hyperimmunized. (37 points minimum, 15-letter word)
  • Bedazzlements - to confuse by a strong light. (37 points minimum, 13-letter word)
  • Jacuzzi - large bath with underwater jets. (34 points minimum, 7-letter word)

Words with q

Here are some great examples of words starting with q. Check out this word list to win against your friends!

  • Microearthquake - a low-intensity earthquake. (35 minimum points, 15-letter word)
  • Quacky -  fraudulent, quack. (24 minimum points, 6-letter word.)
  • Quark - a type of low-fat cheese or type of elementary particle. (18 minimum points, 5-letter word.)

How do I make words with missing letters?

Find missing letters with our useful word finder tool from your random letters. You can enter up to 2 wild cards into the search box and discover the letter you're missing!

Inexperienced players will try and find the shortest word possible but remember, sometimes using a 6-letter word or a 5-letter word will gain you more points. Also, remember your vowels; most of the time, the missing letters you need to find are vowel sounds.

Practice Makes Perfect

Check out how our cheat tool functions; enter your letter combination into the search button and choose the right word to play all your favorite Crossword puzzles and board games. Become professional anagram solvers and succeed at other popular word games.

Practice using dictionaries and word finder tools to work on your vocabulary and knowledge of words. Making words from extra letters is simple with our comprehensive word tools. We've got all the words you could possibly need from letters for the types of crossword games you play, and we give you definitions, so you can brag to your friends about all the words you know!
