Crossword Solver / Answers / TRANSATLANTIC

Word "TRANSATLANTIC" Definitions:

crossing the Atlantic Ocean
transatlantic flight

Crossword Clues for TRANSATLANTIC

Refine the search results by specifying the filter for clues.
Clue Source Date
Where America stands Latin star can't make it (13)
On the other side of the pond, train can't last out (13)
Across an ocean (13)
At last, it can involve the Royal Navy from one side of the ocean to the other (13)
Concerning Britain and the US (13)
Crossing the pond (13)
From London to New York, e.g. The Telegraph Quick 27 Dec 2023
From London to New York, e.g. (13)
EXCITING when across-ing, TITANIC when down-ing!
Crossing an ocean The Telegraph Quick 27 May 2023
Across the pond The Telegraph Quick 20 Jul 2022
Clan's tartan — it's different from America?
Like some cruises
Like most of the voyages of 55-Across
Like the Concorde
Designating some flights.
Over the waves.
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